Moving home is a tricky time for most people, but others have the bug. Some people move very frequently, either because of work, or because they simply love to explore new areas or want to find a better home to live in. The average person moves home once every seven years, but other people move homes much more frequently; some people even move once per year! So, if you are the type of person who moves houses frequently, you may require packing and storage solutions to help you transition from one house to another using packing boxes. The reason for this is that it is often good to break the chain and sell, while buying at a later stage a few months later, because it puts you at an advantage.

What are the storage options available when moving?
- The obvious answer is storage units, which are found around the country from private companies. They can cost quite a lot of money if you are using them for storage over a long period of months, but they are very helpful and will hopefully be locally to you. Just a simple search on Google will tell you where you local storage units are based. You can rely on them to look after your household possessions safely.
- Another option is a national storage company. These are different from local storage units because they will often offer to collect your items, take them away to a separate storage unit until you need them again in the future, they will drop them back to you. This service is usually at a similar cost to local storage units, with the added benefit of collection and drop-off.
- The removal company that you use for house moving might have a storage solution for you temporarily. This is very rare, but can sometimes be the case. They might be able to offer some attractive prices too, if you are using their removal service for your house move too. It is worth contacting your removal company and asking the question.
What are some cheaper options for storage?
- You could ask a family member if you could store your household possessions at their house, either in a garage, shed or attic. This is a cheeky proposal, but would be a very cheap option if it was available. Perhaps you have a wealthy relative who lives locally to you; that would be an ideal answer.
- You could contact a local business who has plenty of space available. Perhaps they might have an old warehouse that is too large for their business because they have downsized, and so they might be prepared to allow you to temporarily store some of your things there for a very low cost. They are always looking for a quick additional income, and so this might suit you and them perfectly. It is just a case of asking around.
- An ‘out of the box’ idea could be to contact a local farmer / landowner. They might have a large shed or barn available which they usually store hay inside but it is currently free, and they might therefore have some space for you to use. Again this is a long shot, but could be worth asking around.
Storage within a new house
If you have just moved into a new property, but you know that you are going to have to move soon, then it might be a good idea to find some temporary storage solutions within your home that prevent the house looking cluttered and messy, but enable you to keep things stored until you move again. This might be the case because you will need to move soon with work, maybe you are in the military or a sales person. So what are the options for storage within a home?- You could use archive storage cardboard boxes in your garage or attic. You could leave the majority of your possessions into these boxes, which will keep your things safe but de clutter the house as well, and when it comes to moving again in future, you simply pick up the boxes that you need.
- You could have bespoke storage units built into your home to store away your possessions. You can contact specialist companies for this. It is very expensive to do, but will look neat and tidy in your home until you need to move again.