When you are moving home, each size of move is going to be different because all different houses come in different sizes, and some people are hoarders and other people are minimalists and have fewer house moving boxes inside of their homes. There is no general way to decide what size of removal van or lorry you are going to need based on the size of your home, and it is more specific and detailed. So how do you decide the size of van or lorry that you require for your move?

- You could go through the tedious task or counting each and every item in your home and doing approximate measurements of everything, which will then tell you how many cardboard boxes for moving you need, and therefore which size of lorry or van that you need for the job. This is the only accurate way to do it, but it can be very time consuming and long, which isn’t ideal.
- You could ask for advice from a local removal company, or from a neighbour who may have moved home recently. They will be able to offer you great advice on what you are likely to need in terms of size of lorry or van, or heavy duty moving boxes, and this is useful.
- You could ask the lorry and van rental company which sizes they recommend as being the best options for your move, and ask them ultimately which sizes they have available on the dates that you need them for.
- You could take a complete stab in the dark, and pick a medium sized van or lorry, and hope that it will do the trick, or pick a lorry that is going to be far too large for the job, knowing that all of your packing boxes for moving house will fit inside. The most important thing is that the van or lorry is at least big enough for your largest of household possessions, because after all, you can always do more than one trip back and forth for the smaller things, but if the larger furniture does not fit in, then you have a big problem that needs solving.
- You could pick a size that has the most economical fuel consumption, which will hopefully save you money in the long run.