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Use Cardboard Packing Boxes For Moving And Keeping Your Belongings

Use Cardboard Packing Boxes For Moving And Keeping Your Belongings

When it comes to moving house, packing boxes are a must. They enable you to carry numerous items easier, they are great for stacking in a removal lorry to ensure you can fit lots into each load, and they will help to protect the objects you put into them. They will also help you to organise your belongings because you can write on them to say what is inside or which room of the house they belong in.

Cardboard Packing Boxes For Moving

Which type of cardboard boxes should you use for moving?

  • Strong heavy duty double walled cardboard boxes are the best packaging solutions. They are strong enough to hold heavy objects inside of them without breaking, plus they will protect the things you put into them. They are great for stacking as they are very strong, and you can re use them after you have moved for other purposes as they will likely be in good condition.

  • Medium sized packing boxes are excellent for everyday household items, as they are easy to carry when full because they do not get too heavy. They are easy to move out of doorframes too and are not an awkward shape. You will certainly need plenty of these.

  • Large sized boxes will help you carry larger things such as cooking equipment, that probably won’t fit into medium sized boxes. A few of these will certainly be needed.

  • Ordinary flat packed boxes with four flaps at either end are the best type of cardboard box for moving. They are the best value for money and they are the most practical as they are quick and easy to assemble and use. All you will need is some strong packing tape to secure them shut effectively.

  • Wardrobe boxes can also be useful for moving clothes, as they are tall boxes with a hanging rail so you can move suits, dresses and shirts without having to fold them into other boxes.

How many boxes for packing will you need?

  • This is a difficult question to answer because ultimately it depends on how cluttered your house is.

  • Generally speaking, you will need at least ten medium sized boxes for each room of the house. Make sure you have at least ten extra large sized boxes for the bigger objects that won’t fit into smaller boxes too, so a variety of different sizes is a good idea.

  • An average four bedroom house will need sixty boxes to move. This will cover the items from the different bedrooms, kitchen, living room, hallway, bathrooms and anything extra too. Not forgetting the garage and shed.

  • It can be a good idea to buy boxes a few weeks before the moving date, and if you decide you have run out of boxes then you can easily buy more. However if you have left things until the last minute, then make sure you have more than enough boxes as it would cause you a lot of headache if you run out.

Where can you buy cardboard boxes?

  • Boxes are very difficult to find, because there are not many shops that sell boxes on the high street. The ones that do are often impractical because they offer a small range at a high price, which is far from ideal for house movers.

  • Buying boxes online is always the best option. You can buy from a house moving boxes specialist which will offer the exact types of packaging for house movers which will include the best types and sizes of box. You can get next day delivery too, so if you have left things until the last minute, then this is a simple solution with minimal effort involved.

  • You get the best prices online too, because you can buy from retailers with low overheads which enables them to offer lower prices than you would find elsewhere.

  • You cannot get second hand free boxes from supermarkets any more unfortunately. Supermarkets re use and recycle their packaging now in an effort to be more environmentally friendly, so sadly this is not an option.

What should you do with boxes when you are finished using them?

  • Always recycle or re use boxes where possible. You can use cardboard boxes for house moving, storage or shipping too, so they have many great uses and are versatile.

  • If you do not have another use for them yourself, why not offer them to a neighbour, family member of friend locally who might need them?

  • As a last resort, you can put boxes in your normal household recycling collection box for cardboard and paper. They will be collected weekly. Alternatively you can take them to your local recycling centre too, which is the best option if you have a lot of boxes having moved house.

  • You might be able to send them back to the company you bought them from as they might be able to re use or re sell them if they are in a good enough condition, if you bought packing boxes near me.

  • Why not tidy up your home and use them for storage in your attic or garage? Everybody has a bit of clutter that could be tidied after all.



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